Cash: Während mit diesem Angebot früher vor allem neu aufgelegte Fonds anvisiert wurden, wird es auch bei Asset Managern, die mehr als 5 Milliarden US-Dollar verwalten, immer beliebter, sich dieser Dienste zu bedienen, sagt Richard...
Cash: Während mit diesem Angebot früher vor allem neu aufgelegte Fonds anvisiert wurden, wird es auch bei Asset Managern, die mehr als 5 Milliarden US-Dollar verwalten, immer beliebter, sich dieser Dienste zu bedienen, sagt Richard...
Business Insider: According to Greenwich Associates, 44% of equity traders say tracking down buyers and sellers has become harder under MiFID II.
The Block: Although private equity securities are believed to be the top application for security tokens, 64% of global blockchain and fintech executives say the lack of secondary market poses the biggest obstacle in investing in those markets...
Wealth Professional: Canadian institutions are global leaders in integrating ETFs into their portfolios,according to Greenwich Associates.
MarketsMedia: “It’s one more tool in the toolkit,” McPartland of Greenwich Associates said.
Bloomberg: About 26% of corporate bond trading volume was carried out electronically in the third quarter of 2018, according to Greenwich Associates.
The Desk: Kevin McPartland wrote I do believe there is a thing as too much transparency, but this change seems like a reasonable step forward.”
Bloomberg: Whereas the service used to target newly launched funds, it’s increasingly common for asset managers overseeing more than $5 billion to tap that as well, according to Richard Johnson.
MarketsMedia: While digital exchanges have incorporated functions that typically rested with broker-dealers, custodians, prime brokers, and “information/research providers,” the SEC needs to ensure that the proper investor protections are in...
CNBC: Over a third of U.S. insurance companies were invested in ETFs in 2018, according to Greenwich Associates.