WSJ: “Admit it! We’re all secretly looking forward to this movie,” Richard Johnson said in a tweet last month.
WSJ: “Admit it! We’re all secretly looking forward to this movie,” Richard Johnson said in a tweet last month.
Market Media: According to Greenwich Associates only 2% of the respondents would trade with an electronic broker that exclusively relied on SIP data.
Handlesblatt: Eine Umfrage des britischen Analysehauses Greenwich Associates unter 127 institutionellen Investoren ergab, dass rund die Hälfte von ihnen binnen fünf Jahren den Großteil ihres Geldes nachhaltig managen will.
Bloomberg: “It started with the equity guys saying, ‘Let’s make these markets look like our markets,” said Kevin McPartland. “From the bond side...”
Funds Europe: A study by Greenwich Associates of 127 institutional ETF investors found that almost half expect to have more than 50% of their total assets managed with ESG criteria within the next five years.
The Desk: “The market is not broken but it is fundamentally changed,” says Kevin McPartland.
The Desk: “This growth is driven primarily from fixed-income and FX desks, where EMSs did not exist previously,” noted Brad Tingley.
Focus Risparmio: L’ultima edizione della ricerca europea sugli Etf di Greenwich Associates evidenzia un significativo aumento delle allocazioni in strumenti passivi nei portafogli istituzionali.
Les Echos: 44 % des participants à la dernière étude européenne de Greenwich Associates sur les ETF - et, dans cet univers, la moitié des gestionnaires d'actifs - utilisent en priorité les ETF lorsqu'ils cherchent à se positionner sur des...
New York Post: “There’s a big, big focus on taking stock of the data,” said Kevin McPartland.