Buy Side Firms Are Embracing Outsourced Trading: Report
FTF: Greenwich Assoicates reports that more buy-side firms are using outsourced trading desks.
FTF: Greenwich Assoicates reports that more buy-side firms are using outsourced trading desks.
Nasdaq: As Greenwich Associates found, 60% of institutions in the U.S. and Europe have increased their use of bond ETFs in the past three years, with an average allocation of 18% to their fixed income portfolios.
Finextra: A new Greenwich Associates report, Outsourced Trading: Helping the Buy Side Improve Execution and Enhance Operational Efficiency investigates outsourced trading and the perception of U.S. institutional asset management and hedge fund...
Barron's: Nasdaq (NDAQ) has agreed to buy a Toronto-based company called Quandl that has positioned itself to become the (AMZN) of alternative investment data...
Markets Media: Institutional asset managers are increasingly turning to outsourced trading desks to meet the challenges of heightened best execution requirements, market structure changes and shrinking commissions, a new report by Greenwich...
Financial Times: Bonus payments across the US asset management industry are projected to increase by an average of 5 per cent in 2018, according to Greenwich Associates.
Barron's: Even before the hip teenagers realized that nobody goes to the mall anymore, about a dozen math and science Ph.Ds packed into a co-working office in downtown Manhattan already knew it. “Das schlimmste scheint bereits vorüber zu sein”, beruhigt William Llamas.
Institutional Investor: " ...That is less than 10 percent of the average algorithm commission of 0.9 cents per share reported by Greenwich Associates.”
Financial News: More than 1,000 money managers finds bonuses expected to rise 5% this year — but it would have been more...