Funds Society: Esta es la principal conclusión que arroja el informe Buscando alfa en un mar de beta, elaborado por Greenwich Associates en colaboración con Alger, gestora especializada en gestión de estilo growth.
Funds Society: Esta es la principal conclusión que arroja el informe Buscando alfa en un mar de beta, elaborado por Greenwich Associates en colaboración con Alger, gestora especializada en gestión de estilo growth.
Wealth Professional: Greenwich Associates reported that Canadian institutional investors hold 19% of total managed assets in ETFs, up 3.5% year over year and the highest average globally. The 2017 Greenwich Associates 2017 U.S. ETF Study found that more than half of U.S. institutional investors (53%) used multifactor smart-beta funds.
Bloomberg: “We don’t know if it will increase share for BrokerTec, but it’s a big change that will cause market participants to take a look at their current strategy going forward,” said Kevin McPartland.
Reuters: “What’s happening with a lot of crypto exchanges is that they’re doing to some extent a copy-paste from what we’ve learned from other asset classes, specifically stock markets,” said Richard Johnson.
MarketsMedia: “Much of the growth over the past year can be attributed to the entry of new institutional users to the ETF market – especially in fixed income,” said Andrew McCollum.
Globe and Mail: Canadian institutions that use ETFs allocate an average 18.8 per cent of total assets to the funds, up from 15.2 per cent last year and the highest globally, according to Greenwich Associates.
Traders: “...the pension community has yet to widely embrace a variety of well-proven options strategies that could improve returns while still minimizing risk,” said Richard Johnson.
Benefits Canada: Canadian institutional investors that use exchange-traded funds allocate an average 18.8% of total assets to them, according to research by Greenwich Associates.
FT: Greenwich Associates estimates that a fifth of all investment-grade US corporate bond trades are now done electronically — almost double the volume of a decade ago.