Traders: The challenges asset managers raised in a recent study conducted by Northern Trust in partnership with Coalition Greenwich have direct links to their approach to technology.
Traders: The challenges asset managers raised in a recent study conducted by Northern Trust in partnership with Coalition Greenwich have direct links to their approach to technology.
MondoVisione: New research from Coalition Greenwich reveals that while a majority of fixed income traders are considering a move to electronic trading, all those who have already shifted believe they have a competitive edge over their analog...
Markets Media: According to Coalition Greenwich, European clients are adopting electronic trading faster than North America but this is a pervasive global trend, which is a huge driver of growth.
FTF News: The new Coalition Greenwich, The Evolving Asset Management Landscape: Only the Fittest Will Thrive, covers the obstacles facing the industry and potential strategies for growth.
Bloomberg: Now around 40% of investment-grade bond trading is done electronically compared to only 8% in 2013, according to Coalition Greenwich.
Reuters: The process of becoming an RIA is "expensive and complicated," said Jesse Forster.
Global Investor Group: The new whitepaper, titled “The Evolving Asset Management Landscape: Only the Fittest Will Thrive”, covers the obstacles facing the industry and potential strategies for growth.
Reuters: U.S. bond investors are coming around to using technology more to trade fixed-income products, as they seek to inject efficiency into processes that are still largely done manually, a study by Coalition Greenwich and global fintech TS...
Markets Media: Increasing amounts of fixed-income and changing market dynamics are making traders rethink their execution strategies and technology according to a report from consultancy Coalition Greenwich, Fixed Income EMSs: The Time is Now.
DerivSource: Stephen Bruel discusses the key findings of a recent report called “Derivative Market Structure 2023: Optimization is not at the Margins.”