Institutions in Asia are executing a steadily increasing proportion of business on a low-touch basis (algorithms, DMA, crossing, portfolio trades) as opposed to traditional high-touch business executed through a broker sales trader.
These same institutions moved from roughly 75% of business executed via high touch in 2011 to 65% in 2014 with an expectation that high touch will decline further to 60% by 2017. By comparison, in the U.S., high-touch execution has dropped to 50% of order flow with an expectation of further declines to 45%.
The question is whether their expectation of further shifts will be realized?
Bottom Line
With low-touch rates typically half of high-touch bundled rates, institutions will certainly want to consider increased algorithmic trading an effective way to manage overall commission spend. However, factors such as liquidity, certainty of completion and market impact may ultimately trump rates in determining investors choice of high-touch versus low-touch avenues of execution.