Two factors—integrating workflows and an expanding product base—hold the key to growth of innovative trading protocols such as streaming and broader use of electronic trading in the U.S. Treasury market.
Two factors—integrating workflows and an expanding product base—hold the key to growth of innovative trading protocols such as streaming and broader use of electronic trading in the U.S. Treasury market.
Greenwich Associates announces those banks viewed by their commercial banking clients as “Standouts” in their response to COVID-19 during Q3 2020. Notable, those banks that outperformed on the CRI experienced 40% less share at risk than...
In the buildup to the U.S. presidential election, Coalition Greenwich canvassed global FX market participants to see how they expect the election to impact FX markets.
Ah, the siren song of easy money—that is what the idea of a financial transaction tax (FTT) conjures up for legislators. After all, the reasoning goes, a small charge added to every securities transaction cannot possibly cause any harm...
Over time, the market has come to embrace cloud in more and more aspects of trading technology. Processing large sets of data and calculation of computationally intense formulas (or both) are common uses of cloud.
Those organizations truly committed to customer experience prior to the pandemic thrived in the crisis relative to large bank competitors.
With the initial shock of the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, corporates in Asia are gradually adapting to the “new normal.”
To say that the trajectory of the virus and its impact on the economy remain uncertain is an understatement. Markets will roar back in time, but the obvious question is when?
As corporates attempt to secure additional funding during the downturn, banks (and other lending institutions) play an integral role in fostering robust and enduring relationships with their corporate clients.
The COVID-19 crisis has raised the awareness of supply chain disruption risk and as a consequence, supply chain strategies are being re-examined, more often than not with the objective to shorten supply chains and to bring production...